Grants & Funded Programs

Grant Support

Research Administration oversees submission of institutional research-related grants and cooperative agreements. The Research Development Team supports investigators, staff or trainees who are planning or preparing federal, foundation or institutional research applications. The team works collaboratively with the Saint Francis Foundation, which has primary oversight of program-specific grants and funding opportunities.

The Research Development Office is engaged from concept to post-award, including:

  • Identifying potential sources of funding
  • Reviewing funding announcements and requirements for eligibility, feasibility, and alignment with institutional resources and priorities
  • Planning and development
  • Managing the writing process
  • Developing research and evaluation plans
  • Preparing budgets and administrative components of the application
  • Overseeing subcontracts and related paperwork
  • Reviewing and editing applications prior to submission
  • Maintaining oversight of the grant routing and submission process
  • Preparing post-award paperwork
  • Setting up implementation and billing processes
  • Supporting grant management when needed

Grant Submission Guidance and Routing

Investigators should contact the research team as soon as a funding opportunity is identified, if not before.

  • Some new investigators underestimate the time involved in designing, preparing and submitting a research grant or cooperative agreement. Many experienced investigators begin preparing their grants at least 8 or 9 months in advance.
  • The earlier the better -- Reaching out during the idea or concept phase allows time to develop a base proposal that may be expanded or modified in response to future funding opportunities.

Grants are submitted by the institution, not by individual investigators.

Proposals and budgets must be routed and approved at departmental and institutional levels prior to submission. The process is coordinated by Research Administration in collaboration with institutional leadership.

A copy of all grant submission documents must be submitted to the Research Development Office at least 4 weeks prior to the grant due date to allow sufficient time for review and institutional approval. 

Internal Grant Programs

The BestCare Grant Program provides funding and in-kind support for developmental and project grants at Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center, and Mount Sinai Rehabilitation Hospital. The goal of the BestCare grant program is to enhance quality of care, improve the health and well-being of patients and the community, and engage clinicians, staff and trainees in research and scholarly activity. Brief Letters of intent (LOIs) for the upcoming grant year are due in October. Based on the letters of intent, investigators will be asked to submit a full application, due in late November. Both the letters of intent and application are completed and submitted electronically.  For more information, please contact Rebecca Crowell ( or Kendra Williams (


The BestCare grant program is designed to promote research and scholarly activity at Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center and Mount Sinai Rehabilitation Hospital.  Funding supports developmental and pilot projects conducted by hospital clinicians, staff and trainees.  The goal of the program is to develop sustainable research leading to funding, publication, better care and better health for patients and the community.

Two types of grants offered:

  • BestSteps Development Grants: These grants are appropriate for those who are new investigators or considering a small project. The purpose of the BestSteps Program is to generate proof-of-concept, feasibility, and preliminary data for future work (typically a Project Grant, external funding, or engagement of additional institutions). Up to 18 months of funding is provided. Funding level typically ranges between $750 and $2,000 for financial and in-kind support, but may be lower or higher.
  • Project Grants: Project grants support research teams led by experienced investigators.   Studies are integrative, high impact projects with short-term potential for multi-site implementation, external funding, or publication. Grants range from $5,000 to $10,000 for financial and in-kind support, but may be higher.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

The program is open to physicians, dentists, other professional staff, and trainees (under direction of a faculty mentor) at Saint Francis Hospital (SFH) and Mount Sinai Rehabilitation Hospital (MSRH)*. Research must be conducted in at least one of those institutions. The lead investigator must be employed by SFHMC or MSRH, and will have responsibility for all scientific and regulatory aspects of the study.

The program provides financial or in-kind support for statistical help, study coordination, supplies and materials. Funds may not be used for investigator or staff time; therefore, applicants will be required to obtain approval for the project from their department chairs or supervisors during the application process. 

*The BestCare Grant Program is funded by an endowment that is limited to SFH/ MSRH. However, studies from SFH/ MSRH investigators proposing analysis of ministry-wide, national, or multisite data are eligible. We may consider other proposals involving other Trinity Health Of New England sites on a case-by-case basis, provided that the lead investigator is from SFH/ MSRH, and SFH/MSRH are the primary project sites. In-kind support is limited to work at SFH and MSRH only.

Sponsored Studies

Contract and Budget Review

The Research Development Office provides assistance with the study contract and budget negotiation process.  In addition to ensuring appropriate institutional language in contracts and agreements,  staff review proposed budgets to ensure the funding level is adequate, and to identify and detail hidden costs and fees.

Protocol Feasibility

Whether it is a sponsored clinical trial or an investigator initiated study, the Research Development staff is available to discuss the specific needs of the project. By reviewing the protocol and other study related materials, we will look at hospital resources required to complete the study per protocol. Using a protocol feasibility check list, the study team can identify resource gaps to aide in determining the overall feasibility of the study. For investigator-initiated studies or grant proposals, the Research Development Office can assist investigators, staff and trainees with study design and statistics, protocol development, mapping the implementation process, project management, budgets, and grantsmanship.  

Study Coordinator and Research Assistant Services 

Study Coordinator and Research Assistant services are available through the Research Development Office. Services are available to assist with obtaining informed consent, conducting study visits, collecting and recording data, completing case report forms, processing biological samples, maintaining regulatory documents, participating in study monitoring visits and maintaining financial records. Contact the Research Development Office for further information (including rates and availability).

Funding Sources

Funding Announcements:

Local Foundations:  

The Office of Research Development and Grant Support 
Saint Francis Hospital 
260 Ashley Street - 3rd floor 
Hartford, CT 06105

Rebecca Crowell  
(860) 714-7116 

Kendra Williams 
(860) 714-7161 

Jessica Bello 
(860) 714-4555