Emergency Department Welcome Guide

Saint Francis Hospital

On behalf of Saint Francis Hospital, we would like to extend a warm welcome. We understand that you may be feeling overwhelmed, but please rest assured that we will do all that we can to make this time as pleasant as possible. We want you to know that you are not alone and that one of our greatest priorities is to provide you with exceptional care.

Contact Information

Front Desk: 860-714-4001 
Nurse Manager: 860-714-8316

DAISY Awards

The DAISY Award is an international recognition program that honors and celebrates the skillful, compassionate care nurses provide every day. The DAISY Foundation was established by the family of J. Patrick Barnes after he died from complications of the auto-immune disease ITP in 1999. DAISY stands for “Diseases Attacking the Immune System” in Patrick’s honor. During his hospitalization, his family deeply appreciated the care and compassion shown to Patrick and his entire family. When he died, they felt compelled to say "thank you" to nurses in a very public way.

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Care Team Members




  Emergency Room Tech

  • RNs (registered nurses) wear blue scrubs
  • LPNS (licensed practical nurses) wear light blue scrubs
  • Emergency Room Technicians wear maroon scrubs           
  • We have a Nurse Case Manager and Social Worker available to assist with any discharge needs you may have.  Please ask your nurse to see a member of the Case Management team if you have a question or concern about your discharge plan. 

How to Request Help

  • To reach the nursing staff - push the RED button at the top of your call bell
    • You can also use the “toilet” button or “water” button to specify those needs, these will be directed to your nursing assistant
  • To reach the nurse – push the “pill” or “pain button” on your call bell

If you have concerns or feel that your needs are not being met, please reach out to a member of the unit leadership team.  Additionally, you can ask to speak to the charge nurse at any time.

Telephone and Internet

  • Phone numbers for individual patient rooms are listed on the white boards within the room.
  • To dial out from the room phone, dial 9, then the area code.  These phones are for local calls only.  To make a long-distance call, please ask a member of your care team to assist you.
  • Free Wifi is available for patients and guests.  Select the “iguest” network. Read the Terms and Conditions, and select “Continue to the Internet” icon.

Language Services

Trinity Health Of New England provides free Language Services to all patients and companions to ensure effective communication; this includes Telephonic Interpreting, Video Remote Interpreting, and in-person interpreting services.  Your care team will work to arrange any needed services. 

Personal Property

Safety is our priority. We highly encourage having any valuables (money, jewelry, etc.) sent home or sent to the safe.  Home medications may not be kept in patient rooms and must either be sent home or sent to the safe.  

We have a zero tolerance policy against any threatening or aggressive behavior from or toward patients, staff or visitors in this facility.

Assaults and/or threats against patients or staff could result in arrest and/or criminal prosecution per CT Statute: Public Act #11-175. An act concerning workplace violence prevention and response in health care settings.

Please note: Saint Francis Hospital is not responsible for the loss, theft, or damage of any personal belongings.

Food and Nutrition

Trinity Health Of New England’s Food and Nutrition department offers a standardized meal based on doctor prescribed diet orders. We offer guest dining options at, The Café at Saint Francis or Panera Bread. Click here for more information about what we have to offer: Dining Options at Saint Francis Hospital

Your experience is important to us. You may get a survey by mail, e-mail or text. We want to hear from you, please share your experience with us.

Emergency Department Process

Step One: Welcome and Patient Triage

Triage is the process of sorting patients based on major or minor illnesses and/or injuries. The triage nurse will briefly speak with patients and care givers about the reason for today’s visit in the Emergency Department. A registration clerk will enter the patient’s information into the computer system, and place identification bracelets on patients. Patients may also see a triage provider in this area to get their care started. A more thorough evaluation will be done once the patient is in a treatment area.

Step Two: Getting to a Treatment Area

A Treatment Area is a designated space to receive care. There are five treatment areas in the Emergency Department. Wait times may be different based upon on which area you are waiting in and what tests, test results, and/or consults you may be waiting for. All patients should wait to have anything to eat or drink. Eating or drinking before care could delay testing and increase wait time. Patient specific white boards are in each room where names of staff caring for each patient and their plan of care is written.

Patient and family participation is encouraged! 

Step Three: The Care Process

Once in a treatment area, patients will be assisted to change into a hospital gown. This allows the nurses and providers to do a thorough evaluation. Patients will be asked about their health history, allergies, and medications. Blood work and testing may be ordered based on current symptoms and health history. Test results may take one or more hours and can vary depending on type of test.

Approximate Result Wait Times:

  • Blood Tests: 1-2 hours
  • Urine Tests: 1 hour
  • CT Scans: 1-2 hours
  • X-Rays: 1-2 hours
  • MRIs: 2-6 hours

Step Four: Admitting and Discharge

The decision for patients to be admitted or discharged depends on things such as test results, consultations, and patient symptoms.

If a Patient is Admitted: 

A member of the hospital team will evaluate the patient.  We encourage valuables be sent home with family or locked in the hospital safe. A detailed list of patient belongings will be recorded.

If a Patient is Discharged:

A nurse or provider will review discharge instructions, medications and follow up with the patient and/or care givers. Patients will receive an automated phone call the following day to see how they are doing, and can request a follow-up call from a nurse to provide additional help if needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Emergency Departments do not typically provide medication refills. It is suggested to see a primary care provider.

Notes may be written by the providers. It is best to request a note before discharge.

There is a free parking lot next to the Emergency Department entrance. If the lot is full, please speak with security.

Yes! Use the following InQuicker online scheduling button to select a time to be treated for minor injuries and illnesses. 

Online Scheduling

If the department is full, you may be asked to have a seat in the waiting room or may be placed into a hallway space inside of the department until additional spaces become available. Staff are always working to open up treatment areas. Your patience is much appreciated!

The Emergency Department has call back nurses that work 7 days a week. If you have questions regarding diagnosis or how to continue care after an Emergency Department visit, please call 860-714-6018.

If you have concerns while you are in the hospital, please share your concerns with your care team; they will gladly help resolve and/or include the appropriate leader to help.

If you have concerns after you leave the hospital, you may contact Patient Relations by phone at 860-714-9998 or via email patientrelations@trinityhealthofne.org.