Educational Activities

Meetings, Lectures and Education

Cadaver workshops are held quarterly with additional workshops scheduled at various times throughout the year. Workshops cover topics including casting, ultrasound, biomechanics, sawbones, job search, and practice management panels. These workshops familiarize the residents with proper surgical techniques and instrumentation. Residents gain valuable hands-on skills that they can then apply to their clinical and surgical experiences.

Held every Monday evening. Residents present interesting and pertinent topics in podiatry to refresh and reinforce important subjects, diseases, surgical procedures and techniques in Foot and Ankle Surgery and review topics important to prepare residents for board examination.

Journal Club is held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Residents present recent literature to the attendings, physical therapists, and athletic trainers. A staff surgical attending moderates the monthly journal club and generates article-related discussion among attendees.

Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of every month and are attended by the greater Hartford County podiatrists. The meetings consist of a sponsored lecture dinner at a local restaurant to discuss department, hospital, and state podiatry issues. There is also a lecture on various topics, by well-known authors and lecturers from all over the country, on different areas of podiatric medicine and surgery often featuring emerging techniques and technologies.

During a monthly presentation residents present a recent case that emphasizes quality improvement and patient safety. It is meant to address and identify ways to reduce the recurrence of medical and/or adverse medical/surgical events. It provides a means to understand factors contributing to an adverse and to formulate a plan to improve and to track the impact of changes made in practice. Constructive discussion among residents and faculty allows participants to focus on improvement and enhancement of the medical-surgical decision-making process.

Every other month, the podiatry section sponsors a guest speaker from a multitude of professions such as other podiatrists, orthopedists, and other surgical specialties to present educational lectures on various topics. Grand rounds typically end with an open forum discussion on the topic presented and is often accompanied by a Morbidity and Mortality case which often applies to the topic presented.

Each year our residents present two cases presentations at the ACFAS-sponsored conference in Providence, Rhode Island that is attended by over 100 attendings and residents. Most of New England’s Residency programs gather to discuss interesting cases from the year. As a PGY-2 you get the honor and privilege of presenting a case.

Residents regularly attend yearly conferences throughout the country with the aid of the CME allowance. Conferences often include the ACFAS Ankle Arthroscopy course as well as the AAFAO trauma/fixation course, among other options.