Cancer Research & Clinical Trials

Search Our Cancer Clinical Trials

With any new treatment, there may be risks as well as possible benefits. There may also be some risks that are not yet known. Clinical trials help us find out if a promising new treatment is safe and effective for patients. During a trial, more and more information is gained about a new treatment, its risks, and how well it may or may not work. Standard treatments, the ones now being used, are often the bases for building new, hopefully better treatments. Many new treatments are designed on the basis of what has worked in the past, in efforts to improve on this. You may be interested in or asked to enter a trial, it is important that patients learn as much as they can about a clinical trial. Your physician will explain the clinical trial(s) you are eligible to participate in. Please ask as many questions as you would like so you fully understand the trial before deciding to participate. 

If you participate in a clinical trial you will be cared for by your oncology team, as well as the team of healthcare providers involved in the trial, including the lead physician, the research nurse, and additional staff.  You will have a full team of caregivers overseeing your health and well-being.

Breast Cancer

Gastrointestinal Cancers


Gynecologic Oncology

Head & Neck Cancers


Lung Cancer
