The end of cancer treatment often signals a new start in life. But physical, spiritual and emotional challenges can make this transition difficult. At Trinity Health Of New England, you don’t face these problems alone. Our survivorship services include care, information and support to help you live your best life after treatment.

Why Do I Need Cancer Survivorship Services?

Living with a cancer diagnosis and the side effects of treatment can change the way you think, move and feel. You may also experience concerns about your future. These issues may affect you right away or months after completing treatment. Our survivorship services include a personalized plan to lessen the effects of these problems.

Common issues cancer survivors face may include:

  • Fear that cancer may return
  • Health problems, including heart issues and frequent infections
  • Memory issues
  • Muscle pain or stiffness
  • Sexual dysfunction or fertility problems
  • Troubled relationships in your personal and work life
  • Unusual tiredness (fatigue)

Why Choose Us?

Our survivorship services help you get the most out of each day. You are eligible for evaluations and care as soon as you receive a cancer diagnosis. We explain what to expect during your cancer care journey and coordinate services to give you the support you need. Our team and services are available to you throughout the rest of your life.

We make it easy to access the care and support you deserve. Members of our team who help you include:

  • Survivorship coordinators: Some locations have a survivorship coordinator. This specialist meets with you throughout your cancer care journey to assess your needs and coordinate services.
  • Nurse navigators: If a nurse navigator is part of your care team, this specialist may also coordinate evaluations, therapies and support.
  • Your cancer care team: You are welcome to contact other members of your care team, including doctors and therapists if you’re experiencing problems. We arrange an evaluation to get to the source of your concerns, so you receive appropriate care.

Cancer Survivorship Services at Trinity Health Of New England

We develop a detailed survivorship plan after you complete cancer treatment. This plan outlines the therapies you received and the services you need to continue to maintain your future health. Regular follow-up visits help us tailor this plan, so you receive appropriate care even if your circumstances change.

Your survivorship plan may include:

  • Cancer screenings: These tests help us catch the early signs of new cancer. Your care may include a lung cancer screening or, if you’re a woman, breast cancer screening.
  • Coordination with other specialists: Chemotherapy can cause heart problems. Surgery in your lower intestines (colon) can sometimes cause bowel issues. Our specialists work together to diagnose and treat these common issues.
  • Preventive care: Immunizations such as flu shots can help you avoid common illnesses. Immunizations also lower your risk of complex infections, such as human papillomavirus (HPV).
  • Rehabilitation: You may receive specialized therapies to help you push past ongoing pain, muscle stiffness and fatigue. Find out more about cancer rehabilitation.
  • Supportive therapies: We offer a broad range of services to help you feel your best. These include support groups, pain management and, at some locations, complementary therapies like massage. Read more about palliative and supportive care services.

Contact Us

Services vary by cancer care location.