
Prepare for your baby’s arrival by learning all you can about caring for your newborn. Saint Mary’s offers a variety of practical, up-to-date classes for the whole family, including:
- Fitness during pregnancy
- Breastfeeding
- Parent-infant massage
- How to help siblings welcome a new family member
- How to correctly install an infant car seat
Healthy Moms/Healthy Babies Helps Show Your Love
Our comprehensive Healthy Moms/Healthy Babies program supports the national Show Your Love campaign from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Whether you want to start a family now, in the near future or not at all, you and your partner can get and stay healthy throughout your lives with education from Saint Mary’s Hospital. We can help you plan for your pregnancy and engage in positive behaviors that improve the health of your baby before you become pregnant—and know you’re ready to care for your child, even if a pregnancy catches you by surprise.