Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Diversity Equity and Inclusion

A Welcoming Environment

Dear Trinity Health Of New England Community,

Our diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives align closely with the core values of Trinity Health Of New England: to care for self, colleagues, and those we serve. In this, patient satisfaction, diverse sourcing, community engagement and workforce training and education is of the upmost importance to us. We value the individuality provided by those we encounter that continues to enhance the experience of patients and colleagues. In such a personal environment, we understand that appreciation of someone’s differences help stimulate an enjoyable healing space.

In acknowledging the diverse population, we serve, we look forward to providing more resources, tools and information to the many different members of our communities. Be it differences in gender, race, age, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, education, veteran status, citizenship, genetic makeup, or any other characteristic; we understand that we all have differences that make us who we are. We also recognize the importance of us coming together as a cohesive unit to provide the best care for everyone’s personal needs.

Your needs and values are important to us, as, “when everyone is included, everyone wins”. For this reason, Trinity Health Of New England is devoted to ensuring when it comes to your care, your voice is heard.



Montez Carter, PharmD, MBA President & Chief Executive Officer

Montez Carter, PharmD, MBA 
President & Chief Executive Officer

Woman talking to doctor

Establishing Equitable Policies and Practices

Trinity Health Of New England has supporting policies that reflect the considerations, practices, and processes outlined above. Our policies stated in our patients’ bill of rights, our notice of nondiscrimination, and other related policies are inclusive of all LGBTQIA+ patients and colleagues. 

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Advancing Racial and Social Justice

As one of the first national health care systems to acknowledge racism as a public health crisis (and a root cause of health inequity) we focused our efforts to end systemic racism by addressing the structural and cultural roots of racial inequality.

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Creating a Culture of Inclusion and Belonging

By continually educating ourselves and engaging in meaningful conversation we are taking action. Action leads to change. And change is necessary for us to advance, together. Our focus must remain on how we can create a culture of inclusion and belonging – for all.

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Supplier Diversity

Trinity Health Of New England is committed to supporting and doing business with diversity and community suppliers. We believe that by working together with diverse and community suppliers, we can make more happen for our customers and business partners.

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