Not One More

Partnering with Connecticut trauma teams and “healthcare heroes” to help Connecticut’s Department of Transportation reduce the rates of impaired driving across the state.

Impaired driving due to alcohol and drugs continues to be a problem in Connecticut that peaks around the July 4th holiday. In 2017, almost half (48%) of all driving fatalities were alcohol-related in Connecticut, compared to the national average of 34%, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Although impaired driving impacts all types of drivers, some are at higher risk of its consequences including younger drivers and motorcyclists. Drivers with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or higher are considered alcohol-impaired by law. 

A typical, seemingly small decision to have just “one more” when drinking or smoking marijuana can create a chain reaction that leads directly to our trauma doctors and nurses...or worse.

  1. Having “just one more” can lead to a lot more than you think.
  2. Whether drinking or smoking, be aware of your “one more” moment...and say no more.
  3. Having one too many drinks or joints impacts our doctors, nurses and first responders.
  4. Please take a pledge to stop saying “one more” by scanning the QR code below.