Weight Loss Support and Education

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You’ll get the best results from weight loss surgery with the right support and education before and after surgery. Support helps patients achieve and maintain weight loss and get healthy, both physically and emotionally. To help make the process as smooth as possible, our bariatric coordinators ensure seamless care between providers and insurance companies.

Trinity Health Of New England Weight Management helps you prepare for your surgery with:

  • Information sessions
  • Weight loss support groups
  • Counseling on diet, exercise and other lifestyle changes
  • Intensive nutritional support from registered dietitians
  • Assessments of your physical, social and mental health 

Bariatric Surgery Information Seminar

Trinity Health Of New England offers online or in-person seminars for anyone interested in learning more about weight loss surgery. This session is mandatory before you join our weight loss program. 

At the information session, you learn about what happens before, during and after a weight loss procedure. You also get details and facts about how you can make surgery as successful as possible. 

Join a bariatric surgery seminar

Watch the Online Information Session

Preparing for Weight Loss Surgery

With bariatric surgery, you will experience changes in nutrition and your attitude toward food. But you may also notice changes in your relationships, body image and coping skills. We help you get ready with our three- to six-month pre-surgery program, which includes: 

  • Initial consultation: You meet with a bariatric surgeon.
  • Physical exam: This exam ensures you are healthy enough for weight loss surgery. You may also meet with heart specialists or other providers, depending on your needs.
  • Bariatric counselor evaluation: A counselor performs an evaluation to make sure you are ready for the changes that come with bariatric surgery. The counselor also addresses any challenges you may have, such as emotional eating, addiction or depression. You’ll discover coping skills, including learning non-food related techniques for dealing with stress and change in your life.
  • Dietitian meeting: You receive extensive nutrition counseling from a dietitian who helps you learn new ways to eat and how to make healthy food choices.
  • Regular exercise: Learn how to incorporate movement and exercise into your daily routine.

Weight Loss Support Groups

Support groups are important for success — both before and after surgery. Patients must attend at least two support group sessions to qualify for weight loss surgery. We also encourage patients to continue attending support groups in the months and years following their surgery. 

At our support groups, you will:

  • Hear from and meet with other patients who have been through weight loss surgery
  • Learn from dietitians and other health care providers and see cooking demos
  • Get advice from therapists on a variety of topics, such as emotional eating and addiction

You’ll get support from people on the same journey as you. We will pair you with a “bariatric buddy” who you can call for advice as you go through this experience.

After Weight Loss Surgery

Our care does not stop once the surgery is over. We offer ongoing support to help you stay healthy and get the best results possible from your weight loss surgery. This level of care reduces long-term issues and complications.

Your treatment following surgery varies based on your needs and overall health. You meet regularly with a dietitian and can receive psychological counseling as needed. 

Medical Bariatricians

Medical bariatricians are experts at treating obesity without surgery. Treatments may include medications and behavioral modifications.

We may refer you to a medical bariatrician if you:

  • Do not qualify for bariatric surgery  
  • Need additional support before or after surgery