Types of Weight Loss Surgery

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At Trinity Health Of New England Weight Management, we consider your medical history and health goals when planning your weight loss procedure. We give you all the information you need so that together, we can choose which type of weight loss surgery is right for you. 

Getting Ready for Weight Loss Surgery 

Preparation is an important factor in the effectiveness of weight loss surgery. We offer services to make sure you are ready, helping you with dietary changes, developing an exercise plan, providing counseling and managing any medical issues.

Our entire bariatric team, including dietitians, counselors and providers, helps you prepare for weight loss surgery. 

Join a bariatric surgery seminar

Insurance for weight loss surgery

Check with your insurance provider to see if your policy covers weight loss procedures. If the surgery is covered, we work with you to ensure you meet your policy’s requirements for surgery.

Weight Loss Surgery Options

All weight loss surgeries reduce the amount of food your body can take in. Trinity Health Of New England offers two primary types of weight loss surgery, also called bariatric surgery. These options give you the best chance for weight loss success and a healthy outcome. 

Gastric sleeve

Gastric sleeve is also known as vertical sleeve gastrectomy. How it works:

  • The surgeon removes most of the stomach.
  • The new stomach is much smaller and shaped like a banana. 
  • You eat less and feel full after eating only small amounts of food. 

Gastric bypass

Gastric bypass is also known as Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. How it works:

  • The surgeon creates a pouch from the stomach that holds only a small amount of food and liquid. 
  • The surgeon connects the pouch to the middle of the small intestine, bypassing the first part of the small intestine.
  • You eat less and lose weight because the stomach is smaller and the body absorbs fewer calories. 

Minimally invasive surgery and robotic surgery

We perform weight loss surgery using minimally invasive surgical techniques or robotic surgery. Both options use smaller incisions than traditional “open” surgery. They also offer enhanced precision, as well as shorter recovery times and hospital stays. You typically stay overnight and go home the next day.

Weight Loss Revision Surgery

If you experience problems following weight loss surgery, you aren’t out of options. Weight loss revision surgery can give you another chance to achieve your weight loss goals.

We specialize in weight loss revision surgery, including gastric sleeve revision. Revision surgery corrects problems associated with previous bariatric surgery, including:

  • Weight gain, or not losing enough weight
  • Abdominal, back or pelvic pain
  • A gastric sleeve that has stretched, allowing more food in
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Uncontrolled acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) following a sleeve gastrectomy

After Bariatric Surgery

Weight loss surgery means big changes — and not just the number of pounds you may lose. Your body undergoes a major transformation. We provide long-term support after your surgery. Our goal is for you to lose weight and be healthy. 

You have regular follow-up appointments with our dietitians and specialists. Your schedule of appointments varies based on your needs. 

Find out more about how we care for patients after surgery with weight loss surgery support and education.

Plastic Surgery After Weight Loss: Body Contouring

The significant weight loss that results from bariatric surgery, dietary changes and exercise is a major achievement you can be proud of. 

However, this weight loss may leave you with excess skin on the abdomen, arms, thighs and buttocks. Excess skin may cause:

  • Rashes
  • Infections
  • Issues with moving and exercising
  • Self-esteem problems 

Our plastic surgeons can help you achieve the look you want for your new body with body contouring surgery. Our bariatric surgery team works with you to address any health or dietary issues and makes sure you are ready for the surgery. Meet our bariatric team.

Insurance for body contouring

We work with you to see if your insurance will cover body contouring surgery. Most insurance companies consider plastic surgery an elective surgery, which means it is usually not covered. However, since excess skin can also cause medical problems, it may be covered in some cases.