Coronavirus: What you need to know
Safety is one of our core values, and Trinity Health Of New England is taking a thoughtful and careful approach to resuming all surgeries and procedures. We continue to be informed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state and local guidelines. Learn more about our commitment to your safety.
We understand that care you need may have been postponed. We’re here to help you determine the best path forward for your health and wellbeing. Call your doctor today or try a virtual care alternative.
Latest Information
COVID-19 Vaccination for Children ages 5-11
The COVID-19 vaccine is now available to children ages 5 to 11. On Nov. 2, 2021, the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine was authorized for emergency use for children ages 5-11. It is a 2-dose series taken three weeks apart. Each dose will be 1/3 the dosage of the adolescent/adult vaccine.
Vaccination for Children FAQs
COVID-19 Vaccine
An FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccine designed to prevent the COVID-19 virus is the best hope for ending the pandemic. We know there are still many questions and concerns regarding these vaccines. That’s why Trinity Health Of New England remains committed to keeping you and our communities informed and educated as major developments occur.
COVID-19 presents with a wide range of symptoms that range from mild to severe. Symptoms may appear 2–14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19.
- Fever or chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
This list does not include all possible symptoms.
What Would You Like To Do?
COVID-19 has disrupted our world. Trinity Health Of New England recognizes and understands that you might be confused or want answers. We also know that there is conflicting information coming from many sources, and it can be difficult to know what information, or advice, to trust. We will continue to provide the most up-to-date, scientifically-proven information about COVID-19.
Trinity Health Of New England is taking a thoughtful and careful approach to resuming all services. Our hospitals and medical offices are safely ramping up select procedures and surgeries to provide clinically necessary care for the health and safety of our patients. If you are feeling sick, have a preexisting condition or have a chronic disease, we want to make sure you do not postpone care that you need to get healthy and stay well.
We continue to be informed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state and local guidelines. We offer these services to you and other patients and caregivers while minimizing COVID-19-related risks. Learn more about our commitment to your safety
For visits such as routine check-ups, we are continuing to follow CDC guidelines and will help you reschedule your appointment. If you’d prefer to be seen from the comfort of your own home, find a virtual care option that works best for you.
To reduce the risk of spread of COVID-19, we've set up COVID-Free zones in our facilities for all patients who are receiving non-COVID-related care. COVID-Free Zones are areas where we provide care only for people not known to have COVID-19 or COVID symptoms.
To keep you and your family safe, we provide and require masks for all colleagues, patients, and visitors at our facilities. COVID-19 is highly contagious. Wearing masks, physical distancing, and washing your hands are the most effective things you can do to slow the spread of COVID-19.
We continue to limit visitors at our facilities and on our campuses. For the most up-to-date visitation information, please click the link below.
All patients scheduled for elective procedures will receive a COVID-19 test prior to the surgery/procedure. If a patient tests positive, the procedure will be postponed until a negative result is obtained. At the time of a negative test result, the procedure will continue as planned in the COVID-Free Zone. COVID-Free Zones are areas where we provide care only for people not known to have COVID-19 or COVID symptoms.
Your safety is our utmost concern. Safety is one of our core values and a top priority. Learn more about our commitment to your safety.
We've set up COVID-19 Free Zones to keep COVID-19+ patients separate from others. We have the needed personal protective equipment (PPE), screening and testing in place for all patient care facilities. Appropriate testing, workforce, and supplies are monitored daily, and we continue to clean and disinfect high touch surfaces to prevent transmission of the virus following the CDC's standards for COVID-19 safety.
You may be afraid anytime you need to visit a hospital or receive medical care, and we understand this is a more concerning time than usual. We are here for you and are committed to keeping you safe while you get the medical care you need.
Virtual Care is available from the comfort of home. You can also call your physician for an appointment or to schedule a surgery, procedure or in-person visit.
We are taking a thoughtful and careful approach to resuming all surgeries and procedures. Our re-opening is informed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state and local guidelines.
Emergency surgeries will continue.
How You Can Help
Thank you for your interest in supporting Trinity Health Of New England and our healing mission as we work to serve our patients and community during this time of crisis in our nation. Your generosity will help meet our ongoing needs as much attention and resource is now directed to fighting this new virus.
We have set up donation centers at several locations for those who have expressed interest in donating items. Suggested unopened items include:
- Regular Masks
- N95 Shields
- Gowns
- Hot Glue Sticks
- Surgical Caps / Protective Cars
- Eyeglass Shields / Goggles
- Nasal Testing Swabs
- M4 Viral Media
- Lysol or Clorox Wipes
- Hand Sanitizer
- Transparency Sheets
Learn more
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Get Vaccinated - Massachusetts
- World Health Organization
- CT State Department of Health
- MA State Department of Health
- Covid-19 Response Fund
Find Resources in Your Community
Use the search feature below to access the Community Resource Hub – an online database for you to connect with free and reduced-cost health resources and social services both within our community and across all RHM Name and Trinity Health service locations.
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Type in a keyword like Transportation, Housing, or Food to find resources in your ZIP code.