Compensation and Benefits

There are a wide variety of benefits and services available to Saint Mary’s General Surgery residents.

Health and Dental Coverage

Health and dental coverage is administered through the same health plan available to other hospital staff and their families. Coverage is effective on the first day of employment. Upon termination, coverage for both health and dental services may be continued through COBRA. Plan descriptions and additional information are available at the Hospital Human Resources office.

Life Insurance

Life Insurance and accidental death and dismemberment insurance at one times salary will be provided at no cost. Coverage is effective on the first of the month following 90 days of employment. Supplemental life insurance is also available at group rates through payroll deduction.

Long Term Disability Insurance Coverage

Disability insurance coverage will be provided by the Hospital at no cost during residency following 90 days of employment.

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance is provided by the hospital for professional activities performed within the scope of residency-related duties.

Employee Assistance

Employee assistance is offered free of charge and in a timely fashion for professional problem assessment, crisis management, brief counseling, and referral for residents and their immediate families.


Childcare may be provided at an employee-discounted rate at the Child Development Center (203) 709-6385, a nationally-accredited center administered by and located across the street from Saint Mary’s Hospital. Payment may be made through a payroll deduction plan or through enrollment in a flexible spending account, into which residents may deposit up to $5,000 on a pre-tax basis toward childcare. Childcare is limited by availability to children age 6 weeks to 5 years of age.

Medical Flexible Spending Account

Medical Flexible Spending Account (FSA): residents may deposit up to $2,500 per calendar year on a pre-tax basis toward a medical flexible spending account.

Family/Medical Leave

Family/Medical Leave of Absence may be granted to staff who are absent from work due to a serious health condition, birth or adoption of a child, or parent with a serious health condition. The FMLA may be granted for a period of up to 16 weeks during a 24-month period. Staff are eligible following 12 months of employment.

Meal Allowances

A meal card system will be allotted for the cafeteria. In addition, meals will be provided to residents during noon conferences.


Residents will be outfitted with lab coats and scrubs.


Parking in a secure lot will be provided free of charge to residents.


Housing is not available on-site but a list of possible renters will be provided by the program coordinator upon request. On-call facilities are provided and include a lounge with TV, computer terminals, and refrigerator.

Salary for General Surgery Residents

There will be a 1.5% increase in annual salary for each PGY level per Graduate Medical Education Committee.

  • PGY-1 - $64,198
  • PGY-2 - $67,759
  • PGY-3 - $71,024 (Full Time Research Year)
  • PGY-4 - $73,832
  • PGY-5 - $76,981
  • PGY-6 - $82,064

Vacation Time

General Surgery Residents are given 3 weeks of paid vacation time off. To provide as much flexibility as possible, the program will allow residents to re-imagine time off and allow up to 21 days instead of the traditional 3 full weeks.

Residents are also allowed up to 1 wellness day per calendar quarter that is use or loose, not to be accumulated throughout the year for additional vacation time.