Spiritual Care

Women & Infants Center at Saint Mary's Hospital

Saint Mary’s Hospital Chapel welcomes all who seek a peaceful, quiet space for prayer or reflection. The beautiful chapel is adjacent to the hospital’s main lobby and is open daily. Mass times are as follows: 

  • Daily Mass at 11:45 a.m. (Except Saturday)
  • Saturday Vigil Mass at 4:00 p.m. 
  • Mass is televised daily to patient rooms on Channel 69
  • Comforting meditation music and scripture readings are also available to patients on Channel 69.

Pastoral Care

Our Pastoral Care team cares for each patient as a whole person; body, mind and spirit. Our interfaith team cares for patients of all religious traditions or no tradition at all. They are here to help you in whatever way they can.

Some reasons for contacting our Pastoral Care team:

  • If you are feeling anxious or fearful about a surgery, therapy or medical procedure.
  • If you are finding it hard to be hopeful.
  • If your way of life must change following an illness.
  • If your suffering becomes overwhelming.
  • If you are facing a difficult medical decision.
  • If you are grieving, lonely or sad.
  • If you are desiring a prayer.

Congregational leaders of churches, synagogues, mosques and temples are encouraged to visit their congregants. If you would like a member of our Pastoral Care team to contact your clergy person, please ask!

Throughout your hospital stay members of the Pastoral Care team will always be available to offer the following compassionate services:

  • Personalized prayers
  • Catholic sacraments (Communion or the Sacrament of the Sick)
  • Assistance working through fears or spiritual concerns
  • End of life support

Members of the Pastoral Care team are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Ask your nurse or contact the Pastoral Care Department at (203) 709-3088.

Saint Mary’s Hospital follows the Ethical and Religious Directives (ERDs) established by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for Catholic Health Care Services. For more information on these Directives, please visit the Ethical and Religious Directives section of the USCCB website.