
Disaster Emergency Policy

An official disaster or emergency occurs when: 

In the event that an emergency or disaster is declared in our Service Areas by the U.S. President, Secretary of Health and Human Services, or a governor, Trinity Health Plan Of New England will:

  • Cover Medicare Parts A, B and supplemental Medicare Advantage plan benefits at non-network hospitals and other medical facilities-as long as the facility accepts Medicare.
  • Members will pay in-network cost sharing even if they use out-of-network providers.
  • Allow an early refill of medications and maximum extended-day supplies from in-network pharmacy providers-nationwide.
  • If you cannot access our network pharmacies, call the number on the back of your card. If there is not an in-network pharmacy available you can use an out-of-network pharmacy. Please note that you may pay more for drugs you get at an out-of-network pharmacy.

We will continue to provide the above until the end of the declared disaster or emergency.

If you have questions or would like more information about your coverage during a disaster or emergency, please call Member Services.


Last updated: 06/2024