Learn More About CyberKnife

(860) 714-4764


Connecticut's Only Hospital with the Latest CyberKnife Technology

Connecticut's Only Hospital with the Latest CyberKnife Technology

Since introducing Cyberknife to Southern New England in 2006, Saint Francis Hospital has been a leader providing this innovative technology for treatment of cancers and tumors anywhere in the body. In 2020 we installed the latest state of the art Cyberknife version, the S7 model, which will provide even quicker more accurate treatments.

Treating prostate cancer in 5 painless treatments

What Is Cyberknife®?

Although CyberKnife has the word “knife” in it, there are no cuts or incisions. The CyberKnife is a specialized robotic radiation machine used to deliver precisely targeted intense radiation to tumors located anywhere in the body.  CyberKnife stereotactic radiation can be used to destroy tumors without requiring any actual surgery.  CyberKnife is the only system to track a tumor’s true location within the body constantly during treatment. The CyberKnife robotic technology moves the machine to account for any movement, including motion with breathing. Because of its extreme precision, surrounding organs and tissues received very little, if any radiation.  The treatment is completely non-invasive and does not require any operation, anesthesia, or hospital stay.

CyberKnife® Benefits   

  • Can treat many tumors inoperable by conventional surgery or radiation
  • Treatment performed in 1-5 sessions
  • Each session lasts 20-60 minutes
  • Entirely non-invasive
  • Completely painless
  • No incisions
  • No anesthesia
  • Minimal, if any recovery time
  • Can treat more than one lesion in each session
  • May be able to treat after previous radiation

Conditions Treated

Is CyberKnife right for you? 

Our experienced CyberKnife physicians and nurses can offer you the best advice on treatment options.

For more information, please call (860) 714-4764 or fill out the form on this page.