Portrait of current member, Sherry Stagg

"The value that my health care plan brings to me is like a supporting piece of my life."

– Sherry Stagg, current member

Happy older gentleman smiling at the camera

New for 2024: Flexible Benefit Card

Say hello to your Flexible Benefit Card, which gives you up to $1,000 to use towards plan-covered vision and hearing services.

Learn More about the Flex Card
Gentleman raising hand to answer a question

Have questions about Medicare?

Medicare can feel overwhelming at first. Join a local plan advisor for a Medicare Advantage Information Reception to learn about Trinity Health Plan Of New England and Medicare in simple terms.

Find a seminar near you
Close up of a woman holding credit card while on their laptop

Keep $100+ in your wallet each month

Choose a plan with the Cash Back benefit and get an extra $100 to $150 back each month in your monthly Social Security check to use any way you want.

Get the details on Cash Back
Senior woman with child looking at a tablet

Learn common Medicare terms and acronyms

What's a Formulary, and what does a Donut Hole have to do with your drug coverage? We've put together a list of definitions for common Medicare terms and acronyms you will come across as you search for a plan.

Check the Medicare Glossary
Last updated: 07/2024